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Prescribed for Love Page 5
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Page 5
Alasdair brought his left arm around to the small of her waist and pulled her in tightly—eliminating what small space had been left between them. His right hand traced the length of her spine until his fingers entwined with the hair at the nape of her neck. He then used his hand to guide her lips to his. The caress started sweetly, but when a soft moan escaped her lips, he began to kiss Catriona in earnest. He teased her with his tongue, and then took full advantage when she opened her mouth to him. Feeling his body ignite as she arched her back into him, he deepened the kiss to an almost frantic tempo. When his mind finally caught up with his body’s actions, he released her. “I apologize, I didnae mean for that to happen. Goodnight.”
Alasdair left before he could change his mind. When he had broken the kiss, he had expected to see Catriona’s face filled with rage at his forwardness; but instead, he could have sworn she had looked almost disappointed. Maybe she will…Nay. Alasdair stopped the thought before it even finished. He needed to turn his mind to more important matters—like the reason for the Cameron attack.
Catriona giggled as she closed the door after Alasdair’s departure. She knew she should be embarrassed by her behavior, but she honestly could not muster up any shame. She had not intended anything more than a thank-you with her hug, but when he began his sensual assault, she decided to just go with the flow. Since she would never see Alasdair again (and seeing as how he was the most attractive man she had ever met) she figured she might as well get a good kiss out of it. I mean really, why the hell not?
With her beloved bag back in her possession, Cat hurriedly looked for the book. Her eyebrows crinkled in consternation when she did not immediately find it—she would have thought it would have been right on top. She shoved her arm in further to see if it had somehow gotten buried, but still had no luck. Panicked, Cat jogged to the bed before dumping the contents of her purse over its surface. Normally, she would never go to such an extreme—it took way too much time to repack the damn thing. But, she was anxious to find the key back to her time, so this called for extreme measures. Looking through the spilled contents she catalogued the items to herself. Wallet…daily planner…tampons (glad I didn’t need those)…mini-tool-set…ooh chocolate!...carabiner (ha, hopefully I won’t need that again)…sunglasses. Crap, it’s not in here!
Defeated, Catriona wanted to cry—even though she knew that was irrational. After all, the book had to be here somewhere. But still, she had been so excited at the prospect of returning to her time, the disappointment was almost overwhelming. Keith was probably freaking out by now. Taking a calming breath, Cat reasoned she would just have to look for it elsewhere in the castle tomorrow. Since the last place Catriona had seen the book was in Ailsa’s room, she would ask the girl if she might know where it is. If not, she would just have to figure out something else. But for now, there was nothing else Catriona could do but get a good night’s rest.
Ailsa came into Cat’s room the next morning with clothing on her arm. “I thought ye might need a few new things. Cailen and Branan explained yer plight to me last night. I couldnae imagine being stolen away from my home in such a manner! Ye are handling this much better than I ever could.”
Catriona smiled at the girl’s candid manner, “Thank you, I don’t think my clothes from yesterday fared very well.”
“What clothes?” asked Ailsa. “Ye were barely wearing anything when ye arrived. I thought yer attackers had ripped off yer dress.”
I definitely need to get out of here, I hate wearing dresses all of the time. Sure she had been wearing one at graduation, but that had been a special occasion. However, Cat’s clothing preferences would just have to take a backseat to more important matters. “Ailsa, have you happened to see the book I had with me the first time I came here?”
“The big book Alasdair thought was yer spell book? Nay, I havenae seen it since that day. Alasdair took it out of my room along with the bag,” she replied. “Ye can ask him where it is when he returns.”
“Returns? Where did he go?”
“Yer encounter with the Camerons made him nervous. He is worried there may be more of them lurking about. He left this morning with a few men to see if they could find anything,” explained Ailsa.
“When will they be back?” asked Catriona.
“I dinnae ken. But, the men are usually gone between two or three days for these types of tasks,” replied Ailsa as she began to help Cat dress.
This news was disappointing; Cat really wanted to go home. Growing desperate, she asked, “Is there anywhere in the castle he might have put the book? I really need to find it.”
“Well, if ye would like, I could give ye a tour of the castle today. Maybe we will come across it then,” suggested Ailsa
“Perfect!” replied Cat. “When can we start?”
“My goodness, this book must be important if ye are in such a hurry. I asked Lainie to bring breakfast. As soon as ye have had yer fill we can begin,” promised Ailsa.
Alasdair frowned as Niall, cousin to Branan and the guard he had sent to scout ahead, returned. “What did ye see?”
“Someone had set up a small camp. I cannae be sure it was a Cameron, but I dinnae like it. He would have been able to see the castle while nae being seen himself,” replied the guard.
“I agree; tis suspicious. Did he leave a trail?” asked Alasdair.
“Aye, Laird. He couldnae have left more than an hour or two hour ago, we should soon be able to overtake him,” affirmed the man.
“Lead the way,” bid Alasdair.
Alasdair and his guards came upon the spy quicker than expected; he had done a very poor job of covering his tracks. They were only a few feet away before the man realized he was surrounded. Recognizing the man for a Cameron, Alasdair snarled, “What are ye doing on my land?”
“I...I...I’m following orders.” Alasdair was surprised by the fear in the man’s voice considering his brazen behavior—very few men would risk venturing so close to rival clan’s castle alone. But then, he realized he was not dealing with a man. Before him was a youth.
“And what were yer orders?” asked Alasdair as he brought his sword to the boy’s neck. He would not actually harm someone so young, but if Alasdair was to discover the truth, he needed to let the boy think he would. When no answer appeared to be forthcoming, Alasdair said, “Answer me laddie, the secret is nae worth yer life.”
“It isnae my life that keeps me quiet, but the lives of my family. Foregoing my life is worth saving theirs,” spat the boy.
Alasdair had not expected this answer. He knew Laird Cameron to be cruel, but this was inexcusable. Fearing what would happen to the boy if he returned unharmed and unsuccessful, Alasdair raked his sword across the youth’s chest, just deep enough to bleed. “Go home laddie. Tell yer laird ye were found and attacked. But be warned, if I find ye spying again on MacLean land, I will nae be as forgiving.” The boy fled without another word
“What do ye make of this?” asked Niall as he watched the Cameron youth’s flight.
“I cannae be sure, but I think Cameron is trying to find a weakness he can exploit in an attack,” replied Alasdair. “We can learn nothing else from this endeavor, let us return.” The men directed their horses back to the castle. Now that Alasdair knew there was indeed a threat, he was anxious to return in order to plan a course of action. Also providing motivation, was Alasdair’s desire to see how Catriona was recovering from their last physical assault. Aye, and I should also ensure her arm is healing well.
In the last day, things had gone from bad to worse for Keith. Not only was his time being squandered with useless questioning by the police, but now the superintendent of Cat’s old apartment was harassing him to move the rest of his sister’s stuff out of the unit. He wanted to look for Cat, not waste his time on pointless endeavors!
Chapter 5
Catriona had spent almost the entire day searching for the boo
k while touring the castle with Ailsa. They had started in the most obvious places, but when the book had failed to present itself, their search had expanded. The only room they had not examined was Alasdair’s.
Now that night had fallen and everyone was abed, Cat knew she should take advantage of Alasdair’s absence and ransack his chamber. With any luck I’ll be back in 2012 before morning! With only a small window of opportunity, Catriona changed back into the trews and shirt she had been wearing the day she had left Elspeth’s. Sure the items were a bit bedraggled, but she did not have time to waste wrestling with a skirt. While the clothing had been cleaned, the sleeve where she had been cut was ruined, so Cat simply ripped off both at the shoulder. I look like I should be in the Scottish version of a blue-collar comedy tour. Knowing the castle would be incredibly dark, Catriona retrieved her flashlight from her purse. She would try not to use it unless absolutely necessary since she did not feel like having to explain future technology.
Upon exiting her chamber, Catriona immediately headed in the direction of Alasdair’s room. She knew where it was simply because it was the only room Ailsa had not shown her. Sneaking along the wall, Catriona found herself playing the 007 theme music in her head. I’ll have to watch a Bond movie when I get back…or forward…or whatever—stupid semantics.
Cat arrived at Alasdair’s door without incident. But, she nearly had a heart attack when the door creaked loudly as she attempted to open it with a push. She held her breath as she listened to see if she had alerted anyone to her presence. When sounds of an alarm failed to occur, she finished pushing the door open just enough to squeeze through. Cat closed the door gently behind her and then massaged her upper arm. She would have to ensure she did not strain the wound too much during her search, it was already sore from her earlier efforts. Switching on her flashlight, Cat began her perusal.
As Alasdair rode through the outer walls of his keep, a strange light caught his eye. The odd glow was coming from his room. He frowned—there was no reason for anyone to be there. Determined to catch the intruder, Alasdair hurried inside.
As he approached his bedroom door, the light suddenly extinguished. The trespasser must have become aware of Alasdair’s return and feared discovery. Alasdair readied himself as he heard footsteps approach the door. I have got ye now, spy!
Catriona sighed; this entire endeavor had been a wasted effort. The book was not in his room, and now the throb in her arm was really pounding. She turned off her flashlight and headed back to the bedroom door. She opened it very slowly to avoid any excessive noise.
“Oomph,” grunted Catriona as all the air was knocked out of her. She was now pinned between a large masculine body and the floor. Crap! He’s back early.
“What were ye doing?” demanded Alasdair. “Were ye spying on me? Do ye work for the Camerons?”
“No! Nothing like that—I have no reason to spy on you!” insisted Cat.
Alasdair peered into her eyes as if searching for the truth. Cat knew he accepted her answer when the anger drained out of his eyes. But then, something almost as intense replaced the emotion. “I believe ye,” he said. “But then, there can only one reason ye would sneak into my room in the middle of the night—ye were looking for me,” he whispered against her mouth.
Cat briefly considered correcting his misconception, but she had no better explanation to offer. And even if she had had a better one, she would not have had time to voice it before her lips were overtaken by his. There was no hesitation as he laid siege to her mouth. It was almost as if he were continuing from where their last kiss had ended. All coherent thought fled as his sensual attack caused Catriona’s toes to curl. If Cat had been capable of reason, she would have been ashamed of her immediate response to his touch, but instead she began to explore his chest with her good arm.
Alasdair must have been inspired by her actions, because he soon returned the favor. He slipped his arm under her shirt to fill his hand with her breast. The shock of sensation as his thumb caressed its taught peak sent waves of desire through her. The tingle that had started in her toes was now radiating throughout her entire body. Wanting more, she wrapped her leg around his waist—pulling him in to the area most desirous of more contact.
“Alasdair? Is that ye?” asked Ailsa from the hallway. It was like a cold splash of water on their fiery frenzy. Catriona shoved Alasdair from her body and dove out of sight behind the bed.
Rising hurriedly to greet his sister he said, “Aye, tis me.”
“Why are ye back so soon? Did ye learn something of use?” she asked, completely unaware of what had been transpiring just a moment before.
“Aye, the Cameron sent a young lad to spy on us. I cannae say for certain, but I think he means to attack,” replied Alasdair.
“Ach, why can that man nae leave us alone? Was killing our parents and burning half of the surrounding land nae enough?” railed Ailsa. Catriona silently gasped upon hearing this revelation. She had had no idea the rivalry with the Camerons was this serious. She knew clans often fought with one another during this century, but these actions were downright sinister.
“I dinnae know lassie. The man is deranged and cruel. Now, back to bed with ye, we can discuss it tomorrow,” soothed Alasdair.
Ailsa left the room, but turned back after a few steps, “I almost forgot! Catriona is looking for her book—the one ye thought was a spell book. If ye know where it is, kindly bring it to her in the morn. We spent the entire day looking for it.”
Alasdair faced Catriona as she rose from her hiding place, “So this is why ye were sneaking about my room, ye were looking for yer book?” At Catriona’s nod, Alasdair walked over to the far wall and came back with the book. There must have been a secret compartment that Cat had not seen. “Here ye go lass; I honestly forgot I even had it.” While Ailsa’s arrival had dowsed the flame of passion that had been in this room mere moments before, the mention of the Camerons froze it over completely.
“Thanks,” said Cat as he handed her the book. Placing her hand on his, she said, “And for what it’s worth, I’m sorry about your parents. I know how traumatic that can be.” She may not really remember her parents, but she knew well the hole left in her heart by their untimely demise—it could not be much different for Alasdair.
Alone again in her room, Cat played the last few minutes of the evening through her head. She really did not understand her immediate response to Alasdair’s touch. Even more odd, he seemed just as affected as she. The passion in his touch seemed to be born completely by reaction—not practice. Not that a man with that face and body wouldn’t have the opportunities for plenty of practice!
Ugh, why am I even thinking of this? Catriona redirected her thoughts back to her initial desire of the evening. Studying the cover, Cat was glad she had been able to find the book so soon. Knowing her luck, if she had been stuck in this century much longer, she would have been an accidental casualty of a MacLean-Cameron war.
Cat gathered what few items she had and then sat down on the bed. Closing her eyes and drawing in a breath of anticipation she asked, “Please bring me home.” Cracking open her eyelids, she was disappointed to see the same room.
When Cat had spent so much time at Elspeth’s planning ways to get back into Duart Castle, she had never even considered she would not be able to go home. She had been positive helping Ailsa was her purpose. Growing desperate, Cat tried to recall the witch’s words. What was it that Elspeth said? The magic will only work if there is a great need? Thinking of all the reasons she wanted to go home, she decided on the one most likely to fit the spell’s criteria of ‘need.’ Closing her eyes again she said, “My brother needs me, please send me home.”
Once again opening her eyes to fifteenth-century walls, Catriona wondered if the process had to be done in a specific manner. She began to mentally review what she had done prior to coming to this century. She hoped she would not need to be in the exact same clothing since her gr
aduation clothes were beyond saving.
Deciding to reenact the scene to the best of her ability, Cat placed her purse on her arm before settling down at the small table in the room to peruse the pages. Not looking forward to what was next, but just desperate enough to give it a try, Cat dropped the book on the floor under the table. She reached down to pick the book back up, hesitating only briefly before slamming her head into the underside of the tabletop. Her eyes began to water at the pain. However, the tears soon turned to ones of frustration as she realized she was still in 1412. I can’t believe I thought hitting my head would work—stupid, stupid, stupid!
After a few minutes of bitter self-pity, Cat finally accepted what she had not allowed herself to consider—she was not going home—not yet anyway. Clearly, she had not fulfilled whatever need had brought her here. Fine, so I need to fulfill some kind of need, I can do that. I’m gonna be so freaking helpful they will remember me as Lady Help from the land of Helps-a-lot.
Cat thought back over her various interactions since she first arrived in this time to see if she could remember any great needs. Unfortunately, the first ‘need’ that came to mind was the one she had seen in Alasdair’s eyes less than an hour ago. Cat blew a piece of hair out of her face as she mentally berated herself. Somehow I don’t think that’s the type of need for which the spell was designed.
“Well, that takes care of that!” said Keith as he emptied the last box of Cat’s belongings from the truck into her newer apartment. Now hopefully he could actually make some progress with his search.
Chapter 6
Alasdair started training with his men early the next morning. Now that a threat from the Camerons seemed more likely, he knew he and his guards would need to stay vigilant—they could not afford the luxury of idleness. He also ordered frequent patrols to monitor and secure the perimeter of his land. He wanted to ensure no other Cameron spies attempted to set foot within MacLean borders without his knowledge.